
Posted by spiritofjava | 12:47 AM | | 0 comments »

Lampung province is located at the extreme of south of Sumatra is overlooked, over flown by most tourists. In the past it was well known for its marvelous 'tapi' fabrics, some using real gold thread, and for its pepper. But today, it is the location from ambitious transmigration projects, resettling farmers from over-populated Java. It boasts volcanoes, wildlife reserve, megalithic remain and a superb coastline of deep-cut bays and wonderful beaches. Its capital is Bandar Lampung, is made up of twin cities that is Teluk Betung and Tanjung Karang. Way Kambas Nature Reserve is a 130,000 ha area of swamp and lowland forest with wild elephant, tapir and many other animals.

The name of Lampung province was taken from origin Lampungnese. Before Indonesia became independent country, a resident led Lampung region and the status was as residency area (Residentie lampungche districten) with many afdeling (afdeling Teloek betoeng, afdeling metroand afdeling kotabumi). The villages/old town with traditional living characteristic could be found like sukadana, menggala, kenali, liwa, blambangan umpu etc. A part of these town bacame the capital of district. In the first of 2000 was 7 millions the population of Lampung Province. Among 10 district / town, the most population was in central Lampung with 1.901.630 and the density population was in Bandar Lampung city, 3.763 soul/km2.

Lampung province is located between 3o 45' and 6o 45' South Latitude and between 103o 40' and 105o 50' East Longitude. This province is bordered by:
North side: South Sumatra Province
South Side: Sunda Strait
West side: Bengkulu Province
East side: Java Sea

Wide Area
The wide area of Lampung province is 33,307 sq km,

Lampung Province is divided among 4 regencies, 1 municipality and 1 administrative town with Bandar Lampung as its capital city.

The humidity of this province is various between 50% and 86%, and the rainfall is ranges between 2,000 and 4,000 mm per year. The temperature ranges between 20o C and 34o C.

The migration flow to Lampung province is supported by the existence of heavy plantation, fishery and industry. In 1994, the total population of this province was 6,200,306 people, with its average density of 196.8 people per Km2. Compared to the average national population growth amounted to 2.144% per year, this province was on the lower level with 2.12% per year during the 1990-1994 period. The projection and composition in 1997 can be seen on the following table.

Lampung society consists of two main groups, respectively has special traditional law. They are Peminggir traditional society and Pepadun traditional society. Peminggir societies, such as, Krui, Ranau, Komering, and Kayu Agung society, live along the coast And, Pepadun society, who customarily conservative, such as, Abung (Abung Siwo Migo), Pubian (Pubian Telu Suku), Tulang Bawang (Migo Pak), Buai Lima (Way Kanan), and Sungkay Bunga Mayang, live in the inland.

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