The Basic Hiking and Camping Skills

Posted by spiritofjava | 9:55 AM | | 0 comments »

Basic hiking and camping skills Going hiking is one of the best ways to rediscover nature. But trekking the forest or going off the beaten track is not for the faint hearted. If you are new to this, it’s best to be guided by the pros. Just in case, here are a few hiking skills you may want to know.

Get in shape. City slicker or not, trekking woodlands is no joke. Most of the time it does take its toll and your body has to be prepared for it. Get regular exercise before hand. Work the treadmill and even practice walking with a backpack on. Getting your body in the right condition is the first most important skill there is. There is no point knowing what to do in your destination if you don’t get there due to exhaustion.

Choosing your campsite. One of the most important of camping skills is knowing where to pitch your tent. Make sure you find a place with even surfaces. It’s best to find mineral soil, sand or gravel. Avoid non-porous hard packed soil and make sure the ground drains well when it rains. This will give you a nice sturdy ground to sleep or walk around on. Feel free to test the place too. Lay on a ground cloth and see if it's comfortable enough. Watch out for nearby danger such as rock piles or tree debris as well as possible flash flood areas. If you're not up for that entire checklist, you can always find an established campsite instead. But where's the adventure in that?

Bug off. Now you can always find bugs in every hiking trip. Whether it's mosquitoes or black flies, they're all there. Clothing is your first defense. Wear comfortable long sleeves and a hat in light colors. Keep a handy insect repellant lotion and use it sparingly. Try not to loiter around wet grassy meadows where mosquitoes tend to breed. On the campsite, you can always use Citronella candles to make it your safe haven.

River Crossing. When it comes to crossing bodies of water, whether it’s a small stream, a river, or a recent rainstorm flooding, always take extra precaution. The first thing to do is to find another way around them, especially if they look too dangerous. Wear sandals as much as possible. If you don’t have them, remove your socks and the boots will do. Never cross barefoot. There's more chance of slipping on the rocks this way. You should be okay with a hiking stick when crossing ankle deep waters. When it comes to melted snow, cross in the morning when the waters had the chance to freeze again the night before.

Watch out for bridges or stones covered with algae, they can be quite slippery and dangerous. Also take time to unbuckle your waist belt to give you enough time to remove your backpack at the wrong moment. When crossing with a rope across a river, don’t tie yourself to it, the current may hold you down. Instead just hold on to them tightly.

Use your hiking stick wisely. Other than to help you on the road, there is more to having a hiking stick handy. As mentioned before, you can use hiking sticks to help you cross rivers and bodies of water. Also, hiking sticks help increase momentum on uphill climbs and can be pretty useful for when you are treading along large boulders. As a defense when you are walking, use your hiking stick to beat a few nearby bushes and check for snakes. This can also be helpful when scaring off aggressive dogs that come along your way.

Calling for help. During emergencies, you can always try a cell phone first. You can get lucky and pick up a signal. When building your fire for smoke signals, use dry material and sprinkle a bit of water from time to time to generate more smoke. You can also use mirrors to reflect the sun's light to signal passing helicopters or small planes.

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